Sent for review. Purchased by me. Affiliate links.
Question of the Week: You can only wear one shade of lipstick for the rest of your life - name it. Last week, I would have said Hourglass's Canvas. Now that I'm blonde, I have absolutely no idea. What lipstick do you think I should try? MAC's Sweet and Sour? Help me out!
My Beauty Bunny - If your skin could use some moisture and pampering, you need to check out Onsen's Milk Lotion Cleanser. Based on the skin rejuvenating powers of Japanese hot springs, this gentle wash does both beautifully!
Pink Sith - reviews the BVLGARI Omnia Coral EdT and is offering a full size one as a giveaway thanks to the folks from Enter Today! (US only)
Prime Beauty - loves the budget friendly Japonesque makeup brushes but did you know they have a fabulous line of color cosmetics too? Check it out!
Phyrra - shares her best Summer Hair Care Tips!
we heart this - is giving away the BPAL Pretty Deadly perfume oil collection; seven gorgeously kick ass bottles!
Clumps of Mascara - is in love with black eyeliners. Like...a lot. Here’s a list of some of her favorites.
EauMG - has a new favorite “beach” scent. Now she just needs a beach vacation
Gouldylox Reviews - Makeup Wars is all about the best black liner. Waterlines, smudging, liquid - you name it, we've got the right liner!
(Wondering what the Lipstick League is? Find out here.) Clicking through unlocks our secret superpowers.....
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